Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 1
Wayzata's Best of Shareware for PC-Windows - Release 1 - Wayzata Technology (1993).iso
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EnLighten v3.01
Evaluation Version
Copyright (c) 1992 by James E. Hisey
All Rights Reserved.
EnLighten v3.01 is a front end menu for PKLITE(tm), DIET, LZEXE, and
UNLZEXE. It is designed to make compressing and expanding files using
these executable file compressors much easier. With an easy to use menu
system, you no longer need to remember options or commandline parameters.
It is STRONGLY recommended that you obtain the latest versions of PKLITE(tm)
and DIET. As of this writing, PKLITE(tm) is at 1.15 and Diet is at 1.44.
SySop's and Vendor's should read SYSOP.DOC and VENDOR.DOC respectively.
* Note : PKLITE(tm), DIET, and LZEXE are executable file compressors
designed to save disk space. The compressed executables
can still be run like normal.
Send all comments and Registrations to the address below. Also,
PLEASE, PLEASE send suggestions and improvements you would like to
Just Plane Software
Attn: James Hisey
P.O. Box 130883
Tampa, FL 33681-0883
I can also be reached on BBS's using the RIME net in the
Shareware Conference with the name JIM HISEY. Please route
Reach me on the SL_Net, address 205:304/1434 under JIM HISEY.
** SPECIAL THANKS Go Out To The Family Of The GodFather BBS For Beta **
** Testing EnLighten and To Tony Goings Of Files R Us BBS For Providing **
** A Home BBS To EnLighten And All Of The Just Plane Software Products **
* If you find this product useful or if you keep it for more than *
* 14 days you are required to send $10.00 per user, and one printed *
* registration form per user to Just Plane Software. *
* *
* NOTE : Registering EnLighten DOES NOT Register your use of *
* PKLITE(tm), DIET, LZEXE, or UNLZEXE, it only registers *
* your use of EnLighten. The above mentioned are copyrighted *
* by their respective authors. *
* *
* *
* Some other Registration Incentives. These are for individual *
* Licenses ONLY. *
* *
* Registration Sent What You Get *
* *
* $15 This and the Next Registered version *
* of EnLighten. *
* *
* $50 This Registered version and a utility *
* to Brand ALL future versions. *
* *
* *
* Why would you want to take advantage of these advanced *
* opportunities?? *
* *
* + The next version of EnLighten will be $10 itself. *
* + All versions after that will range from $10 - $20. *
* + The Final Version will range from $20 - $25. *
* + You will have the Registered version as soon as you want. *
* The following features and enhancements are planned for the *
* thereafter versions in any possible order or combination which *
* will also include the ones above. *
* *
* SCRNCH, AND SHRINK in one menu system! *
* + Selection of files across entire disk and subdirectories! *
* + Incorporation of a pull down menu system? *
* + Improved Directory Routines! *
* + More Optimization of Code! *
* The EnLighten v3.01 package must contain all of the following *
* files. If any files listed are missing, then the package is NOT *
* complete and distribution is forbidden. If you received this *
* software package from a BBS and any of the following files are *
* missing, please inform the BBS SysOp as soon as possible. If you *
* received this software package from a Disk Vendor and any of the *
* following files are missing, please contact Just Plane Software *
* and tell us when and where you received this package from and the *
* contents that are missing. Please contact Just Plane Software to *
* obtain a complete distribution package. *
* *
* ENLIGHTN.EXE Program Executable *
* ENCONFIG.EXE Configuration Editor *
* ENLIGHTN.DOC Registration Form *
* ENLIGHTN.HIS History of EnLighten *
* REGISTER.FRM Registration Information *
* SHAREWRE.TXT Shareware Information *
* SYSOP.DOC Information for SysOp's *
* VENDOR.DOC Information for Disk Vendor's *
* FILE_ID.DIZ BBS Descriptor for EnLighten *
* DESC.SDI BBS Descriptor for EnLighten *
* LICENSEE is not authorized to rent, lease, sublicense, *
* transfer, network, reproduce, copy, display, or otherwise *
* distribute this SOFTWARE, except as specifically provided *
* in this Agreement. *
* Neither this Agreement nor the LICENSE entitle LICENSEE *
* to any source code what-so-ever. LICENSEE may not de-compile, *
* disassemble, or reverse engineer any part of this software. *
* LICENSEE may not create any derivative works from the software *
* or incorporate any part thereof into another computer program *
* or product. *
* Just Plane Software has no liabilities to how the LICENSEE uses *
* this software product, therefore Just Plane Software DOES NOT *
* and CANNOT warrant the performance or guarantee the results of *
* of this software will meet the LICENSEE's requirements or that *
* the software is error free or the software's operation will be *
* uninterrupted. *
* *
* This SOFTWARE is is intended to be compatible with IBM PC/XT/AT *
* and PS/2 microcomputers and 100% clones only. *
* *
* Just Plane Software is not responsible for problems caused by *
* computer hardware, computer operating systems or the use of *
* Just Plane Software software in conjunction with software not *
* programmed and released by Just Plane Software. *
* *
* *
* Just Plane Software is not responsible for any costs incurred *
* as a result of lost profits or revenue, loss of use of the *
* software, loss of data, cost of re-creating lost data, the cost *
* of any substitute program, claims by any party other than *
* LICENSEE, or for other costs. *
When started, the first thing EnLighten does is look for a file
called ENLIGHTN.CFG. This is the configuration file created by running
ENCONFIG.EXE. ENLIGHTN.EXE and ENLIGHTN.CFG must reside in the same
directory. If EnLighten does not find the configuration file, you
either have not created it yet or you renamed one of the previously
mentioned files. Whichever the case may be, run ENCONFIG.EXE first
to set up EnLighten the way you want it. Depending on your
configuration, EnLighten may need a large amount of disk space, up to
three times the size of the largest file you select to work on.
Therefore, it is STRONGLY recommended that you place EnLighten onto
your Hard Drive or onto a floppy by itself. Ok, now for the good stuff.
The first thing you will see, if all is ok, will be a shareware
reminder screen asking you to please register EnLighten (Hint Hint!).
Press any key to go on. The next screen is the entire EnLighten system.
In the upper left corner will be my title. Right below it will be the
options menu, to the right a listing of files in the current directory,
and along the bottom of the screen is the status line. Actions can be
taken on any window at any time with either the mouse or the keyboard.
The options menu will list six items, some of which may say :
(not configured) next to it if you did not wish to use that option when
you ran the configuration editor. The first three items are the file
compressors PKLITE(tm), DIET, and LZEXE (Note: If you selected to uses
UNLZEXE also it will not be displayed on the options menu; you will see
why soon ->). It is only necessary to turn on one, two, or all three of
the compressor names when you wish to compress a file(s). Selecting only
one compressor will compress the file with that one. Selecting any two
or even all three of the compressors will tell EnLighten you want the
file(s) to be compressed with the compressor that will produce the best
result! The next option is "Make Backup." If turned on, this will
produce a copy of the file(s) selected with the extension .BAK . The
next option is "Update Time/Date Stamp." Turning this on will cause
the file(s) selected to work on to obtain the current date and time.
The last option here is "Begin Work." This is what starts it all!
The File window, on the right side of the screen, is where the file(s)
you wish to work on is selected. You may use the cursor keys to travel
up and down the listing, the home and end keys to move to the respective
place of the listing, and the spacebar or enter key to turn a file on or
off. Or, you may simply move the mouse cursor to the desired files and
press the left mouse button to turn it on or off. On the left side of
the file window you will see two arrows, one pointing up and the other
down. This is for mouse users to scroll through the window. At the
bottom of the file window you will also see a '+' and a '-' sign.
Clicking on either of these, or pressing their keyboard equivilant,
will cause ALL files to be turned on or off respectively. You may see
some files with a description next to them saying they are PKLITE'd,
DIET'd, or LZEXE'd. This means they are already compressed files with
their respective compressors. To uncompress them, simply click on the
file(s). No compressor name option is required to turn on. EnLighten
will automatically detect what compressor was used and use the
respective decompressor. One of the nice features about EnLighten is
the ability to compress and expand files at the same time. If you turn
on a file compressor and select files to be compressed and also select
files that are already compressed, EnLighten will compress the
uncompressed files and uncompress the compressed files at the same time!
The status bar at the bottom of the screen consists of four or five
options (depending on your system) and displays the current path.
If your system is equipped with an EGA or VGA setup you will see an
option to 'Change Text Mode.' Selecting this will switch between a
25 and 43/50 line screen. Pressing ESC will exit EnLighten, 'D' will
drop you to a dos shell (type exit to return), '\' or '/' will allow
you to change the current work path, and 'S' will toggle sound on/off.
All the mentioned can also be accomplished by placing the mouse cursor
over the appropriate area and pressing the left mouse button. For
example, to toggle the sound option, place the cursor over the 'S' and
press the left mouse button. The right mouse button acts as an 'ESC'
key. Well, now the best I can tell you (I know, my docs aren't the
greatest. I'ma programer, nota speler!) is to run EnLighten and play
around. It's REALLY easy and friendly to use. BTW, don't forget to
register your copy!
EnLighten is the copyrighted property of Just Plane Software.